Success Stories

I work with women to help them heal anxiety so they can embrace life with calm confidence!

"My experience with Jodie was wonderful. She is incredibly knowledgeable and a well rounded practitioner. She was able to support me through my healing journey and I wouldn’t be where I am today if it weren’t for her. I went from waking up feeling sick and not knowing why I was gaining weight, feeling like I couldn’t eat anything without it upsetting my stomach and not understanding my emotional state to feeling alive again! She brought me clarity, she brought me health and understanding of my own body, she brought me my joy back. She’s empathetic, professional, caring and honest. I would highly recommend Jodie to any woman looking for support through their own journey of healing."

- Private Client

"Yes, I am in Week 2 and loving it! Although I've barely started, and still adjusting, Jodie is so supportive and accessible that it helps tremendously. She truly does make a "remote" program feel personable. I was torn between going to a functional doctor near me (seeing someone in person) vs. going through the Holistic Fix program because I wasn't sure how beneficial it could be. I had so many questions...will this work for me? How will it work? Is it a scam? Will she take my money and run? Lol. I'm just being.

I knew that I needed to do something. I was tired of running to so many specialists, having test after test, labs galore, ER visits, the works. I really wanted to try something holistic because I was terrified of medication side effects. So, after about 2 months I decided to go with Jodie's program. Jodie is very professional and passionate and truly wants to help women heal their anxiety by getting down to the root cause(s)."

- Leola

"Jodie was great to work with, always checked in and gave great input. Before working with Jodie, I [having] severe anxiety, especially in the morning. This program influenced my life because I’m able to self regulate anxiety even in really stressful situations.  I would recommend working with Jodie to other people because she is very reliable, digs deep into the issues and shows that she cares and wants to help." 

- Stephanie

"To say that I was extremely anxious about many things, especially my health, is an understatement. So when I came upon a Facebook page called Healing Journey, I was intrigued. I watched Jodie's video and decided to sign up for a phone call. I have to say, I was skeptical and anxious (surprise, surprise) and kind of put Jodie through the ringer because I had been deceived before and was scared that this was all a scam. I took the chance, and I'll never regret it! I signed up for the enhanced program and got to work. I loved the program! It was manageable and the techniques were very helpful! You receive so many tools to help ease your anxiety and you can use them for the rest of your life! I'm eating better, feeling more at ease, and I'm so glad that I took the first step in my Healing Journey! I cannot be more thankful for Jodie and her program...take your first step, you won't regret it!" 

- Melanie

"When I began working with Jodie my sympathetic nervous system was on high alert constantly.  As a result of was experiencing a myriad of physical symptoms. Through my work with Jodie I am now experiencing virtually no panic attacks.  I'm experiencing very reduced generalized anxiety as well." 

- Kim

"I'm very thankful I chose to work with Jodie Ellenor.  Jodie is very educated and knowledgeable.  I have many issues we're currently working through and I'm very grateful that with her knowledge, testing and supplementing, I was able to get my blood pressure back to a normal range.  After starting the mineral supplements that enabled this change, I noticed within a day or two that my whole body felt different.  It's difficult to put into words.  I can only say that I felt like was constantly on edge and that my 'nervous system' as on overdrive all the time.  I cannot say enough what a difference that one thing has done in my life.  Thanks Jodie" 

- Janine

The Holistic Anxiety Fix 

Gives Amazing Results!

MAQ Scores BEFORE The Holistic Anxiety Fix 

MAQ = Multidimensional Anxiety Questionnaire
Client #1 (yes, this was a real client, and real results) From severe anxiety to....
Client #2: from severe anxiety to...
Client #3: From moderately clinical anxiety to...

MAQ Scores AFTER The Holistic Anxiety Fix

MAQ = Multidimensional Anxiety Questionnaire
Client #1 (yes, this was a real client, and real results) clinical anxiety after 12 weeks!
Client #2 ...mild anxiety after 12 week
Client #3:.. no clinical anxiety at all

Snehal's Success Story

Why She is Glad She Took the Leap!

The Success Wall Of Fame

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